Marketing Bootcamp 101 – Branding your band

Music is a passion. One I've had with since childhood. I currently play in a local cover band ( and have used some very basic Marketing principles to make us the #1 cover band in my area. Here is a short article I wrote about those principles that almost none of the others do. It shows that Marketing can be used in almost every part of your life to create success - if done right.

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The Puzzling Thing About Teamwork

Years ago I was the Director of a team that was not working together cohesively. Deadlines were being missed and the projects, although being accomplished correctly, just didn’t go above and beyond like I knew was possible from them. They never seemed to gel as a group and tended to work independently with little input from others. I saw that if I could demonstrate the power of teamwork, it would not only make our focus stronger but would result in better workflow and communication - and ultimately a better end product.

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